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How to create a temporary directory in a shell script

programming GNU Bash bash shell

Sometimes when you write a shell script, you need to temporarily save files somewhere, temporarily clone a Git repo, etc. This temporary data should be deleted once the script has completed.

Create a temporary directory

You can use the mktemp command to create a temporary file or directory in the appropriate location depending on the operating system:

$> mktemp -d -t my-script

The -d option creates a directory instead of a file (the default).

The -t <prefix> option specifies a prefix so that your temporary directory is named after your script and with a random suffix. It will be created in your operating system’s standard location for temporary files (defined by the $TMPDIR environment variable).

The directory is created with mode 0700 by default, meaning it should only be accessible by you:

$> ls -la "$tmp_dir"
total 0
drwx------   2 you  your-group    64 Feb  6 17:19 .
drwx------@ 98 you  your-group  3136 Feb  6 17:19 ..

You can store this temporary directory in a variable:

tmp_dir=$( mktemp -d -t my-script )

Define a cleanup function

This function will clean up the temporary directory, making sure it exists first (in case the mktemp command failed):

clean_up() {
  test -d "$tmp_dir" && rm -fr "$tmp_dir"

Automatically clean up on exit

You don’t want to call this cleanup function manually. Your script could fail before it is completed. It could receive a signal and exit.

However, you can use Bash’s built-in trap command to catch the EXIT pseudo-signal. Your script will receive this signal when it closes, whether successfully, unsuccessfully or due to an interrupt (e.g. the user hitting Ctrl-C).

trap "clean_up $tmp_dir" EXIT

Do the magic

You can now write the rest of your script and put whatever you want in the temporary directory, safe in the knowledge that it will be automatically cleaned up at the end.

Here’s the complete version:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

clean_up() {
  test -d "$tmp_dir" && rm -fr "$tmp_dir"

tmp_dir=$( mktemp -d -t my-script )
trap "clean_up $tmp_dir" EXIT

echo Do the magic...