"You're not supposed to be here. Turn back. The darkness cannot be breached." — Leviathan
Capturing output in pure ruby
2013-09-26 ruby
REST & Hypermedia APIs
2013-06-30 rest
Node.js dependency injection
2013-06-28 node
Configuring Your SSH Client
2013-06-20 ssh
God, Unicorns and Nginx
2013-06-13 nginx
Testing a command-line gem
2013-05-02 ruby
Conditional GET with Rails, Redis and jQuery
2013-03-07 ruby
Backbone Collection 304 Not Modified
2013-03-06 javascript
Rails 3 logger customization
2013-02-08 ruby
Full-HTTPS Octopress Blog
2013-01-27 security
Git: how to log commits from all branches
2013-01-25 git
It's Reborn
2013-01-24 octopress
Building Javascript with Grunt
2012-10-16 javascript
Pimp your Vim
2012-09-28 vim
Symmetric encryption with GnuPG 2
2012-09-19 gnupg
Ruby Configuration DSL
2012-09-13 ruby
Singletons in Ruby
2012-09-13 ruby
PostgreSQL with peer authentication
2012-08-27 postgresql
Summoning is complete
2012-08-15 cli
Git: how to commit often and still push
2012-08-14 git
Set up your own Git server
2012-08-14 git
Testing with Capybara, Selenium and RSpec
2012-08-13 ruby
Logwatch: how to add a service
2012-08-08 logwatch