Git: how to log commits from all branches

tooling Git git

By default, the git log command will only show commits reachable from HEAD:

A---B---C---D (master)
      \-E---F (HEAD, develop)
$> git log --oneline --graph --decorate
* f536261 (HEAD, develop) F
* 1c49789 E
* 0f00043 B
* 5f8165a A

To also show commits from other branches, you have to add the --all option:

$> git log --oneline --graph --decorate --all
* f536261 (HEAD, develop) F
* 1c49789 E
| * e384c0c (master) D
| * 826c7a6 C
* 0f00043 B
* 5f8165a A